Saturday, January 18, 2014

Run Like Kilian

I've watched this video many, many times and the question that always runs through my head is - how is it possible to run like that? Kilian runs with such grace, fearlessness and determination that it almost doesn't seem humanly possible. And for most humans it is impossible. Therein lies that answer. I once heard an interview with a Hawaiian Kahuna (Shaman) and he was asked how one became a Kahuna - his reply was telling - "a Kahuna is raised on knowing" You see a Kahuna doesn't know that the miracles of healing he/she assist in aren't possible. There is only a knowing of what must and can be done. Kilian Jornet runs like this - he runs with a knowing that this is how he is supposed to be moving. There is no other option. Of course Kahuna's are raised to do the miraculous and Kilian was born and raised in the high mountains with parents who encouraged this fearlessness - so what about the rest of us? There's hope. As we run we can think about what's possible, we can have a mantra of Yes playing within while banishing the thoughts that intrude otherwise. We can believe that we are running in accord with the laws of nature and spirit and that grace of motion is our birth right. We can believe and we can let go and we can trust in the wisdom of our spirit and body - we can simply run. It's worth a try.


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