Saturday, January 11, 2014

Running With Ego

It seems some runners have an identity crisis - runners who have given much of their identity to the sport and for whatever reason are no longer putting in the miles, or effort or passion they once did. Things change and running isn't static - it's hard to maintain a state of intensity that many runners do - especially for many years. Yet I have friends who feel that running took over their lives and are almost resentful of that fact. I do understand this - running can be all consuming at times. The issue isn't running however - it's the ego. Look past the ego and running is simply motion - sometimes fast and sometimes not quite so. It's the expectations of the ego that confuses motion for something more, for giving us a false sense of being and doing what no activity could possibly match. With the ego less involved running becomes pure motion again - a joyful expression of spirit moved to move. Here's here we find balance - as the ego lessens then everything becomes this same joyful expression - running is only one aspect and no less important (or more so) than any other. Racing becomes a way to not bolster the ego but to challenge it - can we be truly humble in victory (or setting a PR) and  view others doing better or we being slower not as a defeat but a shared experience of pure wonder? If we relinquish the ego we can - and it's a worthy endeavor. It will change forever why - and how - we run.


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