Saturday, January 4, 2014

It's Never Enough Except It's Enough

I thought 75 miles would be good for my first 24 hour race back in November. Until I got it. Then I started to ask myself why I didn't get 80. This week I ran 83 miles in my second 24 hour race. It didn't take long for me to question what it would take to get 90. My ultimate goal is to reach 100 miles in a 24 hour race this year. I think that would be enough. Except of course it's never enough. And then again it is. I'm completely satisfied with my mileage and performance for these races. Some miles could have been run faster, harder - I could have fueled better and walked less. That's the nature of the sport - self analyses not self criticizing. I'll take these lessons to heart and run better, stronger and faster next race. I'll get more miles - maybe. Every race is different and we perform with what we have on any given day. I'll try though. I will do my best. And I will be happy with what I get. I'll also want more. I won't stress about it though. I'll just try again. And again. I have a lifetime ahead of me. I plan to enjoy every mile.


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