Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Nibbida - Ultrarunning, Meditation and Life

I have been reading a bit about Nibbida - a Pali word that is defined in the Buddhist tradition as disenchantment or skillful turning away from the world of Samsara towards the transcendent. It's a difficult concept to understand and even more so in practice. However it has great worth in meditation as well as leading a happier, more meaningful life. In meditation we are able to turn away from the senses and their sirens call of stimulation while in daily life we use the practice to turn towards the subtle things that true happiness is based upon. In this regard it is very much akin to the Vedic concept of detachment and A Course in Miracles where the student views the material world as an illusion that must be forgiven to reach a higher understanding (much like Nirvana)
This has helped me quite a bit in not only quieting my mind but also guiding me through a spell of depression of late. More so (hey - I'm an ultrarunner) I have been viewing it in terms of racing. Already the parallels are striking - especially in the last two 24 hour races I've run. What can make a 24 hour race so difficult is that a runner passes the start/finish mark in every lap - as well as their car and other comforts that lead to an early finish. It's hard to turn away from such things on tired legs and mental fatigue. It takes skill. Practice. Nibbida. A willingness to turn away from a strong pull of immediate comfort for something greater that perhaps may be intangible. I'm exploring this in more detail in training, racing, meditation and my life. I'll see where it takes me.


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