Wednesday, February 26, 2020

To Live Without

to live without - and by this I mean to be alive without a claim of ownership for what life has brought me, from identity, beliefs, and too the people and objects that have graced my years of living. It's not a life lived without appreciation, I have cherished many, and I'm grateful for all that's been given. Yet I am not diminished by their loss, nor cling to regret for what passes. To live without is to simply be open, noting my true capacity to hold life without borders imposed by self or others. It's my own allowing nature that welcomes without bias and bids all things farewell in their departure. And yes, even my desire to holds things further, to grieve a great loss, or wish a thing away, find a place in this belonging. This is not to deny, nor exclude, but only to allow life to be without the constraints of my demands. To live without - and in this, everything now belongs. 


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