Friday, February 7, 2020

Most Grateful To Be Aware.

that I am particles, gathered and arranged, and somehow now find myself aware - yet still this all remains unexplained, without reason or cause for it to be. I have no faith in a greater purpose, no belief in a grand design that holds me to a part to play. But I know myself as mystery, awake to the moment of my existence. There seems little more to know. To refuse to speculate is to accept that right now is the only miracle we'll find. The particles of my claim to being belonged to distance stars, every atom that makes me has been shared before and will continue when I'm gone. This is rebirth. I will be again one day as something other, gathered and arranged in a completely new form. The awareness that I am, perhaps, is a gift just given to this moment though, this particular expression of the whole never to be expressed again. Truly than, this is the miracle, right now and all that is occurring - none of this had to be, myself included. I am most grateful to be aware. 


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