Friday, February 28, 2020

It's Own Participation

because I am - and here I see the world. My own idea of consciousness is simple, I am, and it's enough to know this, to be aware of my awareness of so, and be grateful that it is. There are greater minds to argue points of origins, and influence on reality. I often enjoy their debates. But their words don't influence my appreciation of this moment - that right now, I am conscious of the keyboard to my fingertips, ideas flowing to the screen in easy fashion, and the warmth of this room as a late winter wind chills against the window. I'm aware of this, with no effort, only noting what occurs without need to extend attention beyond my role of witness. I'm not making any of this happen, and yet by virtue of observation, I am not apart from it either. Awareness, as it seems to me, is its own participation. So my world expands and contracts with attention, from the sky with full detail of sun and stars, to just a breath felt warm against my lips - my capacity serves to hold it all. I see no point to argue this. 

It's enough to simply be. 


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