Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Means That I Exist

grateful for - and to this my own existence, simply being, and aware that I am. As such, perhaps better said is that I'm grateful, not for, but just because. It's enough to be alive and nothing given nor removed changes the basic appreciation for this. The odds have been against this, a near zero chance of my existing in this very moment. Yet I am, and more so, I hold this life in an awareness of how precious it is, how fleeting, and how truly fragile it all can be. Life is not without its sorrows. I have days filled with loss and even deep regrets. But this is life in the fullness of being, something was lost because I once held it dearly, and my regrets are only notions of how things might have one day been. That I am alive means nothing is excluded, no experience found uncalled for, and everything belongs by virtue of appearing. I am grateful that it's so. For it all to be -means that I exist.


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