Thursday, February 13, 2020

In Praise of The Mundane Life

this mundane life - it's this easy occurrence of daily affairs, no concern given to infinite events in a seamless play of living. Just as this breath now taken has touched other worlds, we are literally breathing another, air that once sustained a life not our own. Yet it's only a breath. Our bodies our gathered in and by mystery - molecules that have no reason to obey boundaries of a person, but somehow we gain an appearance of what seems a separate self. We are at once infinite things. Even more is how it all continues in an intricate display of one thing seen as many, a conspiracy of the senses to lead us in the belief of a divided world. Nothing is exactly as it seems. This mundane life is full of complexities, and yet the true miracle is how simple just being really is, that through all that could deny us existence - we are. Somehow. And nothing is required for us to be. In this - I praise the mundane life. 


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