Thursday, November 9, 2023

Saving the World

Save the world: 

I have no answers to the world's problems, not even the simplest ones. There seems to be so many right now, and most are extremely grave in their concerns. It's overwhelming to believe that I could possible be of any aide, or part of the solution. Yet I'm the only one who can do anything to help, it's my responsibility to save the world. 

but only through my own salvation. 

this isn't meant in any religious sense, it's not about saving individual souls and then guiding them to heaven. It's actually much more important than that, personal, and creating my own peaceful atmosphere of existence that steadily ripples forward. 

saving myself to save the world. 

in a way, it's like the Maharishi Effect, how the founder of Transcendental Meditation claimed that if only a small portion of a given area meditated, one percent he believed, than the entire population would benefit from their effort. I have no idea if this is true, nor if I believe it's plausible, and honestly, it doesn't matter - my effort is to shift my own inner-world to a more peaceful state of being, and from here to simply extend it onward, a single moment at a time.  

it's an easy plan of action. 

of course this doesn't exclude any other plans, but it seems that nothing else has worked so far, that we're locked into a view of how slowly it takes us to evolve - and we really don't have the luxury of time any longer. The time for change is now. Starting with each of us, a battle plan of an inner-evolution, learning to sit still and be at home, peacefully, wherever we are. 

peace begins here, with ourselves alone. 

and this is how we save the world. 


Peace, Eric 

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