Thursday, November 2, 2023

I'm a Writer

I'm a writer: 

I don't make my living as a writer, even my smallest bills aren't paid by my literary efforts. My self-published books have sold few, my blog collecting only pennies per month, and my other sources of income from writing don't fare much better. However, I'm a writer, and consider myself a professional, showing up at my desk each morning, early, before even the hint of sunrise in order to catch the first glimpse of inspiration to appear. I write everyday without fail, generally what I consider lyrical prose, my own form of poetry developed through years of practice, and it seems to captures my sense of connection, tying subjects of science, nature, meditation and yoga together for my own consideration. 

and I write about writing. 

years ago, decades now, I decided to show up. This was my declaration of being an artist, writing daily with never an excuse to not commit at least a line or two to the page. It didn't matter if they were read by anyone but me, my words were shared as part of this commitment, and releasing them set me free to write again the very next morning. It's my process as a writer, as an artist, the work is always shared and detachment from the final outcome is developed along the way. This is both Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga, the action of writing and letting go of the results, as well as being completely devoted to the gift of inspiration, surrendering myself fully to this art form.

it's the yoga of writing. 

and I'm a writer after all. 

a yogi too. 

a few days ago I received notification that $2.53 was deposited into my account, this was from Medium, a sharing outlet for writers. I was thrilled, as I always am by the pennies that drift in from my blog and occasional royalties. This signifies my commitment, that I'm a writer, and my work matter, if even only by a reader who accidentally stumbled upon my words and gave them the courtesy of notice. I take none of this for granted, not my early morning shift of writing, nor my desktop coffee, and most especially that I'm continuously inspired to write, life being so beautiful that it calls for my expression. If there's a reader, I'm grateful, we've shared a gift between us. 

thank you. 


Peace, Eric 

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