Wednesday, November 29, 2023



my morning now unfolds as a prayer, softly so, a silent communication between myself and the world that greets me. It always begins with a simple thank you, once more I find myself alive, my breath easy and my body ready to serve me through the day - I've been granted all this without any request, a blessing, and one that I no longer take for granted. 

I am grateful to be alive.

and saying thank you is my prayer each morning.

from there I am immediately sitting in meditation, first with breathwork and then a soft repetition of mantra guides me into stillness until it's then let go - I am settled into silence, even more restful than the entire night of slumber, yet sharply aware as well, a unique expression of aliveness. This is my part of true prayer, no longer really a communication, it's too seamless now, silent, there's no point to offer any thoughts or words as everything is already instantly known across the deep silence of this infinite field of pure beingness. 

I sit like this until there's an inclination to move.

and then my prayer begins as motion. 

lasting through the day. 


Peace, Eric 

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