Monday, November 20, 2023



so I'm going to wade into the muddy waters of the transgender debate here, but just slightly, no deeper than my ankles and then I'll dive into the deeper aspects of the point I wish to make. Yesterday I watched a portion of a video where a young man talked of how he taught his son that there were only two genders, claiming it was obvious and scientific. Which isn't, in either of his observations, with gender being an inner experience that can't be discerned so easily by others and science showing that it is a multidimensional construct of  near endless possibilities to be displayed. 

what the young man was teaching his song were his own beliefs. 

and so the world continues on its way. 

that's how it works, beliefs being passed down to us, inherited from others, and we never really give pause to wonder if any of it is even true. Unless we're lucky, and somewhere along the way we're blessed with the opportunity to question our beliefs, inquiring of other possibilities, curious as to why we believe the way we do. I'm not sure why this happens to some and not to others, what causes the good fortune to be able to break free from the limited conditions our inherited world seems to offer. 

I'm certainly happy that it sometimes does though. 

that older paradigms are broken.

and new ones come to light. 

in no way am I insinuating that anyone is wrong here, only that we're all caught in a loop of self-deception without any sense of even knowing that we're trapped. Yoga psychology calls this Advidya, our inability to see our true self, unaware of being caught within near endless patterns of thoughts and beliefs. 

ignorant even of our own ignorance.  

continuing indefinitely.

or at least until the cycles broken. 

and it does get broken, maybe not often, but enough so that another paradigm is shifted into present culture, Our lives expand to hold greater possibilities as we surrender previous concerns for the continuation of those limiting beliefs. 

we learn to see outside our self-deceptions. 

most often gradually. 

but sometimes with a leap into a brand new world. 

and so in closing, I offer only this...

stay curious my friends, 

of all we think we know,

and more so,

the ever greater unknowns of the world. 


Peace, Eric 


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