Thursday, November 16, 2023



so really, my practice isn't meant to lead anywhere, nor to achieve a certain sense of liberation.It's only a process of softening now, loosening the lifelong grip of emotional patterns that still hold me in reactions and a too quick response in my thoughts and interactions. In yogic terms these are samskaras, energetic structures grooved into our internal framework, a fallback response offered without hesitation and only later realized that its been given - if even thought of at all. It's a psychological process, instantaneous, and has been built in place since childhood. 

or maybe even before.

yoga is the practice of softening samskaras hold, perhaps just a bit at first, gaining a little more awareness as to how thoughts play out to actions. Yoga seems to slow the process of reactions down, giving me the briefest pause and allowing a more creative avenue of expression to unfold. Through my practice I begin to lessen my reliance on these automatic responses, there's a growing sense of spontaneity and a choice-less offering of true compassion. 

seeming to grow more so as my practice deepens.  

there's no rush here, my entire life has been spent in service to these energetic pasterns that have always seemed beyond my realization, as if they were a part of me, permanent in their hold. Yet I find that simply being aware of them now changes my reactions, it's a more natural yoga, spontaneous and spacious in the responses that are offered. It's the truest compassion, not chosen, but has always been the very fabric of my existence, only waiting patiently to gain my notice. 

so really, my practice isn't meant to be anything other than the natural expression of yoga, a softening, and then completely letting go. 

a more spontaneous yoga now.


Peace, Eric 

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