Wednesday, November 1, 2023

My Only Role

My only role:

there's seldom a struggle for inspiration, with usually only the briefest pause between words before they start to flow again. This wasn't always the case, there were times, quite often really, when writing would be an almost tortuous process of silence and the longest wait for words. My meditation practice cured me of this, transforming silence from being the absence of words to the potentiality of their appearance, as if infinite ideas would be arriving and my only role was patience. I now find comfort in the pause, knowing that inspiration is at play, trusting that just the right word is on its way. 

my only role is patience. 

writing is a joy for me each morning, an adventure of imagination, taking any stray idea that occurs to me and tying it to a theme, being thrilled as the words come together in cohesive sense of meaning. I'm the only one this has to please and that notion has truly set me free - even if no one else ever reads these words, or find any value to them, my only role has been completed. 

I spent my morning immersed in joy. 

blissfully doing what I most love. 

and every word matters. 

if only to me. 

the question then, is why share? And really, there's no clear answer, it's what an artist does, setting their work free and beginning the work again. Sharing has a cleansing effect, wiping the mind clean of previous work and setting up the preparation for fresh inspiration to arrive. It's a declaration of freedom, emptying ourselves of attachments, and being fearless in producing our newest inspiration. An artist gives away what's most cherished to them.

their only role is sharing. 

it's simply what we do. 


Peace, Eric 

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