Sunday, November 26, 2023

Attending to the Breath

Attending to the breath: 

simply attending to the breath, this has become my default yoga practice, no matter what posture I find myself in, I keep returning to the anchor of breath, a constant reminder of life being played as a subtle breeze of motion through the quiet fields of pure awareness. The breath reminds me that these aren't separate things, feeling its passage is the experience of life and to be alive implies that I'm inherently aware, already noted by sensation of breath throughout my body. 

it's the singular event of my existence. 

that everything is motion.

known through the apparent stillness of being aware. 

it's the paradox of breathing. 

a personal koan.

only meant to be experienced. 

simply attending to the breath, being my always present practice of yoga, an instant meditation that brings me to the core of each experience, seeing how there truly are no separate events, but only life in its various guise of motion, playing through the quiet fields of its own awareness. 

truly, there's nothing more for me to know,

simply attending to the breath...

as it whispering its secrets. 


Peace, Eric 

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