Sunday, February 17, 2013

Worth It

Today was a day where my normal routine just didn't seem to come together. Maybe not too different than normal but things felt hectic. Two things I won't miss and that I know will help me is writing and meditation. Writing will force be to slow down - to focus a bit on something "outside" of myself. Ironic as writing is an "inside" job. Yet even for a few moments I am focused on a creative aspect of life and not caught in the hectic pace of day to day affairs. It's worth the few moments of pause.
Meditation is stepping outside of time itself. I usually meditate 2-3 times a day for anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes each time. Sometimes it may be as little as 5 minutes for a session. Every minute and each session counts. When I make the commitment to sit it literally resets the "panic button" within and I soon return to a less hurried and more easy going state. Without fail. Make these two commitments for yourself - in whatever way brings peace - painting, sketching, journaling to prayer work, cloud gazing, spiritual reading. But make the commitment. Your worth it.


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