Sunday, February 3, 2013

Enjoy The Game - Then Get Out And Do Something

I hope everyone enjoys the football game to night regardless of who you're rooting for - as a (near)Baltimorian I hope for a Ravens win. Honestly though I haven't made it through a whole football game in a number of years. I appreciate the athletes and have always liked watching anyone athlete who is exceptional at his/her sport perform. But as a game it doesn't hold any magic for me - even when I played it myself. I much more prefer to watch an individual athlete overcome an obstacle - be it themselves, a weight, a distance or clock -even another opponent. It's also what I love to do myself and that's another important point - few of us play football. It always us one step away, forever a spectator. I would rather run - and then watch a runner struggle through that same same distance on a world class level yet now I've shared a bit of that struggle myself. Different level - same struggle.'s just not the same. If it's your thing - then today is your day and enjoy it fully. Be careful what you (and how much) you eat and hit the trail, road or gym hard tomorrow. Make a vow to perform on your own, at your own level - but at least you'll be performing.


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