Saturday, February 23, 2013

Race Review - (Done differently) Hashawha Hills 50k 2013

Today was Hashawha Hills 50k - in the mud, the ice, the misty sleet. Several stream crossings to total soak the legs feet and legs (at least it temporarily washed the mud off) and lots of hills of all different sizes. It was a tough course and a tough day.
Oddly enough I actually felt like quiting several times. My mind was having a hard time releasing stress and my heart wasn't in it as it should have been. I didn't quit. Of course on the second loop several miles from an aid station - it's not much of an option. Until you get to an aid station no one's going to get you out but you. And that's how it should be.
I did enjoy the scenery and the people. And the effort. And yes  - even the moments of doubt and discomfort. Because I'm here now, warm, safe, comforted and comfortable - and I'm better for what I've accomplished and what I didn't give into. But something more - I'm better for my time in on the trail, immersed in nature and the soothing truth that it offers. As all else fades - that alone will stay with me.

A big thanks to all who volunteered on a cold and wet day, Race Director Alan Gowen and the VHTRC!


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