Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Race Review - Mid MD. 50K

Saturday (2/9/13) was the second annual Mid Maryland 50k held in Rockburn Park and put on by Bulls Eye Running. Bulls Eye Running is a local organization that offers races and coaching programs. They offer top notch services for races and runners. Race Director Phil Lang is a life long runner and coach and knows what a race and racers need and want - from great swag and awesome sponsors to challenging courses and unique events I always come away impressed. I've mentioned this before in other race review and I'll mention it again now - every event held by Bulls Eyes seems like a big city race with a local, family feel to it. A perfect combination. A big Thanks To Phil, his family, all the volunteers and the sponsors.
The course was laid out the same as last year -5 10k loops for a 50k total. Elevation wise it isn't a challenge but there are some technical aspects to the trails that can catch a runner by surprise of they're expectation easier trails. Still, it can be a fairly fast course. Last year, in wet, snowy and epically muddy condition I went under 6 hours for the first time. This year - cold and windy - but no snow and slightly less mud (muddier as the day went by) I managed to best that by over 12:00 -4:42 and some change. Really strong run for me and more importantly I did my best not to really race it - I won't to run hard yet ever race until the C&O 100 is a "fast" training run. So I'm pretty happy with my time and most of all of my recovery. Fueling seems to be improving as well - so maybe I'm actually learning something?
All runners received awesome Brooks Race Vest that will be worn for every race that weather permits. 50k finishers also received a Throw with the race logo on it. Unique and practical - these are details that are really appreciated in race amenities. Every looped passed under the pavilion where all sorts of food and fuel was offered. I stuck with fruit (dates, bananas) and one gel (Vega) and one Cliff Chew which worked great for calories and electrolyte replacement. Oh, I also had a strategically timed small cup of Coke for the calories and caffeine and to possibly help any stomach issues (which thankfully I didn't have) that is new for me and I don't drink soda or coffee so the caffeine and sugar definitely gives me a rush. I save it for the second half of races to avoid any potential drop afterwards as well.So far so good although I do dislike using soda.
And that was the race - a perfect day and a great event.
I'll be back next year and hopefully for years to come - it's a nice way to kick out the mid-winter blues. Again a big thanks to Phil and his teams and thanks for reading!


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