Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Running Plans

A couple of big weekends are coming up - this weekend is the Hashawha Hills 50k in Westminster MD. This was a fun race last year but unfortunately not everyone made it in do to the new lottery system they have in place. I'm not a fan of lotteries for smaller races. But I made it in and hope to make a fun race out of it none the less. The next day I will head to Fredericksburg for a Half-Marathon on the Dahlgren Trail I did this race two years ago in it's a beautiful course. I should enjoy it even more as I am planing on running it pretty slow after the previous days 50k. From there I have a week to recover and be ready for the Seneca Creek 50+ (34-36 miles) in what might be my last 50k before the 100 in April. This was a painful slow race for my last year due to general fatigue and the mud - there was lots and lots of mud. I imagine that conditions will be much the same. So plan on hearing about the mud. The day after I plan on another 10-15 miles and a tough week following leading into another 30 mile Saturday run with a 15+ the following day. Then I rest. But not for long - still another month of hard training for the 100. That's the plan and stay tuned to see how it goes!


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