Friday, February 15, 2013

Last Argument (Warning Vegan Rant With Graphic Images - I won't be offended if you skip it)

The picture above is not the equivalent of this -

And this -

is not the same as

I shouldn't have to make this point but it seems that I do - the last argument in the great debate of vegans Vs. meat eaters is that even plants feel pain. I won't argue that, although without a central nervous system it may be a bit harder to make that argument scientifically. It's hard to argue with this though -

Yet many do.

I am less against meat eating the I am against animal cruelty. I am happier and healthier as a vegan and I believe that most if not all would be so as well. People who haven't thrived on a vegan diet have (usually) not done their homework. I see more people thrive on this diet then I do those on the Standard American Diet and sadly when I take my 86 year father to the kidney specialist and see first hand how high protein consumption affects so many in their later years I am doubtful that those promoting the high protein dietary trend will be happy with their own long term results. I could be wrong. Actually I hope I'm wrong - I wish everyone a happy, healthy and fully fulfilled life. And by everyone I mean all beings - like the animals being tortured above. Tortured so some can eat a certain way. Selfishly. Simply because they want to and don't wish to think of any consequences. It doesn't have to be this way. It never used to be this way. Do you think when God gave us dominion over the animals He meant this -

Or this -

Those chickens were still alive by the way.

Make the argument that man is a natural meat eating. I won't argue (though I might debate) Tell me you hunt to help provide for your family and I might even share hunting tales from my families long history of hunting (and farming) The vast majority of hunters I know look for clean kills and abhor cruelty and trophy hunting.
But don't tell me my salad is the equivalent of this -

Because we all know it isn't.


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