Monday, February 4, 2013


I'm a big fan of basics. And of keeping things simple. Of course having said that I must confess that I have a tendency to complicate my own training. I add things on - somewhat needlessly in most cases. I'm also a big fan of movement and often I find it difficult to limit the amount of movements within my workouts - even when I know better. That's why I find a core basic program - no more then three exercise works so well - it leaves a little room to "practice" some lifts and movements that may be fun and interesting but aren't worth the investment (at this moment) to pursue seriously. I try and limit myself to two sets of (usually) low repetitions so that there is little interference with my recovery between workouts and running. Ultra running has taken a toll on my over all strength (from a strength athletes perspective) and that was hard for me to deal with - I wanted my former strength AND the endurance and speed of a ultrarunner/distance runner. It wasn't happening and wasn't going to happen (not that it might not for some lucky, more fortunate others) However I do know that I can be a strong(er) ultrarunner and that this strength will have great carryover for the tough course I often find myself running. So (for me) strength training is essential. Too much and too often though and there's a price to be paid  - especially in taxing the overall system of the body. So it's stick with the basics. Bare minimum. Fight the urge to add on (too much).
Here's a simple program:

Pushups -2-3 sets of 20+ reps
Kettlebell swings - same as above
Plank - hold for 1:00

Deadlifts - 2x5
Overhead press - 2x5
Goblet squat - 2x5

Basic. Effective. And room for a little add on.
Just some thoughts.


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