Friday, August 3, 2012

Unexamined Life Rant

It is said that Socrates' once stated "The unexamined life is not worth living." and that is quite a bold statement. Yet in the day of heightened social media where broad communication and inter-action takes place it seems that the vast majority of us live that silent horror. In recent conversations on the Chic -Fil -A controversy and again on veganism the bottom line was often brought to my attention with a simple statement -"but it taste so good" That's the reason to continue eating at an establishment that financially supports hate groups - and no I'm not talking about first amendment issues (I could care less what the CEO says or believes but I am interested in where his money goes after being given to him by an unsuspecting public) I wonder if people knew this would they still be so eager to have a "Chic-Fil-A Appreciation Day" I certainly hope not. People are eager to believe what best serves their interest and appetites. So it doesn't pay to examine where our meat comes from. One chicken sandwich doesn't make much difference anyway does it? Well, it does to the chicken facing a tortuous life. But lets not think about shall we?
Self-examination means that all our most cherished beliefs should be put forth beneath the light love and understanding. Which belief no longer serves? Which belief limits the expansion of life? Yours and mine?
The Bible is often referenced to support a long lived patterned of abuse and prejudice. Yet in what ways might our own unexamined beliefs twisted the holy word? We are fond to point a finger at Muslims who seem to practice a perverted form of Islam but the same finger can easily be reversed in our direction. Are we practicing the way of Christ or words misinterpreted by man and used to serve the will and ego? Here's my answer - I don't know. And most of us don't. It's been left unexamined for too long now. It's time to ask ourselves some questions. And be prepared for some answers we may not like.


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