Thursday, August 9, 2012

5ks for Fitness

It's been my experience that those wishing to make the greatest changes in body composition are those that pick a race or goal slighter "bigger then themselves". A little bit of fear is a wonderful motivator but too much fear can keep us frozen in place - immobile in face of our challenge. 5ks and then faster 5ks are great races to build on for fitness gains and weight loss. The first race maybe just about finishing and if trained correctly everyone in decent health will be able to finish a 5k. From that point on it's about faster times - which lead to more fitness and taking the steps that support our goals. We start eating better, resting more and training smart. 5ks seem to held weekly in most areas near even the smallest city so we can race often and gain valuable experience. After some time with 5ks (and we always return to 5ks - they're always a challenge) we can begin to look for greater challenges and up our goals with a certainty that we can achieve them with the right effort - 10ks lead to half marathons and then too marathons and ultras. I've seen it happen countless times. Set the goal. Don't settle. Work hard.


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