Sunday, August 19, 2012


I was talking with a friend this morning about emotional trigger points - how it seems that we have forgiven a person or issue and out of nowhere a trigger point is targeted and we are right back at square one in dealing with our resentments. We talked about layers of forgiveness and it was only later that I realized that I was off base in my thinking on this matter. There are no layers of forgiveness. Forgiveness wipes the slate clean and we are free and it only takes a moment of true forgiveness to give us this freedom. However there are layers to our resentments and some are buried so deeply that we do not even realize they are still present. Other times we unwittingly hold on to our resentments as a means of justifying a behavior or action that we wouldn't condom if the matter was truly forgiven. For whatever reason the resentment(s) still linger. And that's why we practice forgiveness - as many times as needed. Until the resentment is no longer present, the trigger points are disarmed. We practice until we are free.
However long that takes.


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