Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Mr. Rogers Philosophy

What if Mr. Rogers was right all along? I simple invitation to be a neighbor, to be a friend - what if we extended this from a personal level to a local level and further still to a global level. Maybe I'm naive and too simplistic - but maybe not. If we simply refuse to view another nation as an enemy or potential enemy perhaps their point of view would change towards us. This doesn't necessarily mean letting our guard down or inviting danger into our homes or country. We can be for self-defense and still be open to the point of views of others. Every view has a point for the simple reason that another holds it dearly - it should be heard, understood and maybe even compromised with. But never rejected out of hand - that's how resentments are fostered - and enemies made. Being gentle with others (people and nations) is a sign of strength. We can afford to kind, to be giving and to welcome dissenting points of view because we are strong. Our strength comes from a higher source and won't ever be compromised. It's worth a thought - or two.


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