Tuesday, August 14, 2012

State Of (My) Running

July was a serious month of intesne racing and it carried over into July. Time to back off a little bit and begin to focus on a series of races for the fall. Coming up is the Air Force Marathon on September 15th. I hope to Pr this race and run it in under 4:00. Oddly enough I have never been able to bring it all together for a marathon. This could be the one. I have focused on track and tempo work while keeping my long runs steady. I'm 5 weeks out from this so my plan is to hit 16 on my long run Saturday and the next two weeks do a 20 and 22 miler before tapering.
The week after AFM is my favorite "mini ultra" Conestoga - It's a 10 miler that runs like a 50k and often takes nearly as long. This is one tough little race and it will be year four for us on its trails. After that it's on to Baltimore Marathon - exactly one month after Air Force and one month before Stone Mill 50 Mile. Baltimore will be a sight seeing training run - mostly for fun and stamina but if I can manage to get a little speed in there I will - the 4 hour mark would be nice. Baltimore is not always kind to me. Between Baltimore and Stone Mill lies some possibilities. Mostly just training and increase the volume but there's a chance for a 50k thrown in or the Columbia Metric Marathon.
I have raced close to 20 times this year and have made steady progress with some PRs thrown in - I would like to keep that steady and I'm watching my recovery to make sure it will. That's where my running is right now - thanks for reading!


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