Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Poor Boiled Frog

I'm amazed at the amount of misinformation people purposely carry with them regarding their diet and health. It seems that in order for us to continue eating and living in a certain way we must refrain from gathering knowledge and applying even a bit of common sense. I don't mean this in a harsh way but as Paul McCartney once stated  -"if slaughterhouses had glass walls we would all be vegans." We simply can't think of where are food comes from or what it's doing to our health and the planet while continuing to the same habits. I don't believe it. I often liken it to the (horrible) analogy of the Boiled Frog Syndrome - if someone (not you or I) dropped a frog in a pot of boiling water it would immediately hop out (or we would save it!) but if a frog was placed in cool water with the heat gradually increased it would slowly cook to death as it adjusted to the heat until it was too late to act. On a more personal level - how many Big Macs would we eat if we immediately gained 40lbs, or cholesterol jumped 40 points along with our blood pressure? How many cigarettes would we smoke if we suffered emphysema with every one? Not many I would suppose. Yet over time we are become the boiled frog due to the heat of our thoughtless habits.
I recently urged a friend on Facebook to not worry about what she eliminated from her diet but to rather concentrate on what she can add in - fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, seeds- more plant based foods in general. Another friend chimed in that he grew constipated just by reading my statement. Amazing. Someone actually believes that fruit, vegetables and grains cause constipation? And meat would fix it? That's misinformation. And it's damaging. For everyone.


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