Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sickly Vegans?

In a country facing a major health epidemic - 42% of the population will be obese by the year 2030 according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - I find it ironic that people are concerned about my health as a vegan. Everyone I talk to seems to know a "sickly" vegan who can barely get out of bed. Meanwhile the country is getting fatter and sicker. Frankly, I don't see the sickly vegans - and I hang out with quite a few vegans. We run ultra marathons together and lift weights together. I watched many win medals at the recent Olympics and thousands compete in triathlons, fight in MMA, box (or used to box - Mike Tyson) and play football. Look around  - look anywhere - America's health crisis is evident. And those people aren't vegan. Of course some people who don't eat meat won't be mindful of what they consume and will be sickly - they're a vast minority. This is why I generally prefer to use the term Plant-Based Diet because if enough plants are consumed (not vegan friendly junk food) then it is all but impossible to be sickly. Plants make you strong.

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