Sunday, October 22, 2023



what I most love is the sense of a beginning, that the screen appears empty on my arrival and simply waits for words to be given, always willing to hold whatever's on my mind each morning. Of course too, this often comes with some trepidation, a blank page holds promise as well as some certain expectations to be fulfilled. Through the years of these mornings, facing the emptiness of the page before me - I've learned to relax and trust that words will arrive upon their own scheduled time.

and that my only role is patience. 

it's true for every artist. 

really, it's actually rare that I know exactly what I'll write of, having a theme in mind is a gift I never take lightly. Fortunately, curiosity takes my thoughts in infinite directions and I no longer have a fear of being judged or criticized for whatever it is I write. There's a sense of freedom now, expressiveness, and with this comes the inspiration to write and share whatever concerns me in the moment. 

it's just writing after all. 

really, of no great importance. 

and that's what I remind myself whenever a hint of trepidation appears, that it's just writing and of this particular moment holds the limited audience of one. There is no reason for even the smallest fear, inspiration will always arrive in the most unusual way, leaving a thread to follow, a path from empty page to its fulfillment. 


even one is just enough...

as if left as a clue for me to follow.

and being curious now, 

writing starts to happen. 


Peace, Eric 

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