Monday, October 23, 2023

To Make My Yoga Beautiful

To make my yoga beautiful:

my only real aim now, as far my practice is concerned, is to make my yoga beautiful. This is less about appearance than it may sound, it's not a matter for judgement, nor a measure of success for others to witness. I will be the only one who knows when this occurs, they'll be no teacher to praise me, no audience to applaud. Truthfully, I might not even know exactly when or even how this may happen. I'm not sure if there'll be a specific moment, a smile that signifies that something magical has happened, or if this will be a process of slow adjustments, slight shifts that suddenly seem to cause a surrender to the asanas flow. 

all I know is that my aim is to make my yoga beautiful. 

however it might occur. 

so it's not really a goal, it's too vague for that, and it's not meant to be a comparison to anything, my own progress being included. Of course beauty is subjective, or at least in its traditional sense. But this is something else entirely, an intern built through the fabric of my body, inherent in every cell, as if an urge for some divine expression to show through. 


and the only way for this to happen is through my practice, giving just the right amount of effort, yet relaxed as well, realizing the deep joy that's found through motion. Someday's, certain sessions, or a particular pose, and I feel very close to something magical happening. There's a hint of a smile that spreads directly from my heart, a warmth of energy that courses through my body. Most importantly though, it seems that I dissolve within the pose, there's only motion and then a surrender to its completion, as if the universe universe has paused for just an instant to allow this moment to occur. 

it's magical.

maybe even beautiful. 

and I'm not the one who made it happen. 


Peace, Eric 

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