Sunday, October 1, 2023

Spectacular Appearance

Spectacular appearance; 

my earliest walks are still in darkness, with first hint of dawn an hour or so away -and there was some mornings when I am fortunate to catch the moon in spectacular appearance, from sliver thin crescent all the way to the complete fullness of its beauty.  My first step outdoors yesterday brought me directly to the soft glow of moonlight, almost full, maybe just shy by a day, and researching it later I discover that it's in a Waning Gibbous phase, slightly past its peak fullness, yet still retaining so much of its luminous quality that there's little difference in its display. 

a spectacular appearance. 

I made several attempts to capture it with a photo, but my phone isn't made for such endeavors, it's camera simply not up for the task. As well, even as I entered the darkest parts of my suburban woods, a place where nocturnal animals seek to hide from an artificially lit world, there was just too much light from distant  porch lamps and lighted streets to do justice to this view. 

after my last attempt to it occurred to me that not everything is meant to be shared past the moment that it's offered. Somethings are meant to be basked in and not recorded, a spectacular appearance meant for ourselves alone and that even writing about it later will fail to capture intimacy of a waning moon and an early walker lost within its beauty. 

of course there will always be the wish to share, that's the role of every artist - and truly, in the midst of such deep beauty, we're all artist by virtue of our participation, that 'we're meant to be here, this particular instant, to be able to provide a certain poignancy to the view, knowing it won't be lasting, indeed changing even in the very moment that we hold it.  

a Waning Gibbous moon's spectacular appearance...

meant only for myself alone.

even as I wish to share it. 


Peace, Eric 

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