Monday, October 2, 2023



my first asana of the day is almost immediately from bed, just moments after awakening, and it's also the longest held, up to half an hour or more quite often and never less than 20 minutes. This is Sukhasana, or the easy pose and it's my posture for meditation, really one of my first asanas ever learned as a child, legs folded comfortably under me for long duration's, no body parts complaining. We naturally sat this way as children, at ease with our bodies and the world, having not yet acquired any deep aches of body or soul, completely comfortable with who we are. 

sukhasana feels like a return to innocence for me.


a few years into my meditation practice, no longer skipping sessions or even days at a time, but committed now, vowing to myself that I would sit until my life had changed to one that felt more worthy of living. It wasn't enlightenment that I was after, back then it just felt like survival, that I was running out of time to be a functional adult, joy wasn't even in the equation. I was simply hoping to belong. My commitment soon led to longer meditations and with that I would discover limits to my body, being unable to sit in more advanced meditation postures for very long and even returning back to easy pose would cause my knees and back to ache well before my session ended. So with this I turned to a meditation bench, sitting Zen style in diamond pose, comfortable, back straight and knees free of pain. For the next two decades or so I meditated in this position and reached some amazing layers of self-discovery here. No longer concerned with mere survival or even fitting in, I came to find a true belonging within my body, being at home and at ease exactly where I am. 

and then not long ago, maybe a little past a year or so, sukhasana began to call to me, my meditation bench no longer felt like it was the proper place for sitting. I felt pulled to return closer to the earth, firmly planted in an easy pose, accepting the initial aches until the subsided to the pleasure of sitting in the innocence of this pose. It didn't take long at all, I was called to this posture for a reason, my body wishing a return to where everything started, not just meditation, but the origins of its deepest elements, earth focused, rooted close to ground and spine reaching long into the air. 

it feels like coming home. 

I have no idea how long the energy of this posture will last, if it will continue to hold me in this position for many more years or if I will return to meditation bench once more. It's not really a concern. Right now I am supported by earth and air, an easy pose of energy that courses through my body. It's enough that I've returned here, at home for however long this energy will last. 

for whatever reason...

sukhasana called for my return. 


Peace, Eric 

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