Thursday, October 26, 2023

Easy Prayer of Motion

it's designed as a show of gratitude, not by me, but arriving as a show of motion, spontaneous, and yet with an inherent intent of gratefulness displayed throughout. My morning yoga sequence originally started as just a few rounds of Sun Salutation in order to warm my body and prepare it for the coming day. I also wanted to invoke a sense of prayer, brief, an easy way of saying thank you to every part concerned, from joints, vertebrae, and individual muscles all slowing waking to the morning - all the way to the day itself and everything involved in it's arrival. 

an easy prayer of motion. 


from this initial intent it's become a bit more involved, still brief, only slightly longer then water boiling a kettle for my morning coffee. Other asanas have now been added, just a few, some inversions and back extensions, a forward fold and deep garland squat, all of then spontaneous in their order, appearing as a faint idea that my body immediately responds to, as if obeying some sort of higher commend. It almost feels like channeled yoga, my easy prayer of motion suddenly becoming more involved, expressing an energy directly given from the cusp of night giving way to dawn. My body is showing gratitude as its own response, a deep wisdom displayed as it reaches through each posture, knowing exactly what pose to sequence to and there's never any need for me to question. 

it's still an easy prayer of motion. 

only now it's more truly spontaneous, gratitude shown through my initial movements, and then each asana chosen by some some inherent wisdom of the body, linked together by the subtle energy of light emerging to another day. There are infinite things for me to be grateful for -

my body knows this. 

deeply so.

and displays it through an easy prayer of motion. 

every morning. 


Peace, Eric 

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