Saturday, October 21, 2023

Thinking My Mantra

Thinking my mantra: 

really, it's the mantra that does the work, quieting thoughts to soft hush before they fade completely, carrying me to what seems an ever deepening silence. My role in this process is always easy, I'm not tasked to do anything at all but to make myself comfortably thinking my mantra, easily, always gently, and innocently returning every time my thoughts might wander. It's not about awakening to any higher state of consciousness, nor am I seeking enlightenment -  this is just being restful in my own natural point of awareness, doing absolutely nothing....


thinking my mantra. 

and everything else happens on its own.

I have practiced many methods of meditation through the years, following the breath as it grows more subtle, body scan with attention given to each sensation as it arises and again gives way, deep concentration on a sacred passage - all have had value to me. Yet it was my first session with the mantra that I actually felt like I arrived home. There was little concentration involved, no hard effort, only a gentle repetition of a mantra that had a rhythm and pace of its own. My mind latched to a vibrational pattern that was offered and allowed itself to naturally quiet down, just a bit at times, but often very deeply, profoundly, and there was a complete surrender to this silence. 


it felt like being home. 

and all I do is think my mantra.

yes, there's a technique involved, or more truly instructions on trusting the process that unfolds. Mostly, a teacher clears up misconceptions of what meditation really is. The sooner we surrender to the inner sound of the mantra the easier it goes. There's never a reason to struggle, and if we are, that's the first symptom of our effort. It's telling us to let go, to listen to this ancient primordial sound, and follow it's rhythm as it leads us through the space between whatever thoughts are present. 

always easily. 

never a struggle. 

just thinking our mantra. 


Peace, Eric 

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