Friday, October 6, 2023

Now, The Teaching of Yoga

Now, the teaching of yoga: 

the Yoga Sutra begins with the straightforward message - now, the teaching of yoga, and I like to imagine that these were the very same words Patanjali spoke to me in most subtle tones at the most pivotal moments of my life. From an initial sense of tragic endings, broken, I was to begin a new life course towards a better, more clear understanding of my mind. 

from that shattered point on...

now, the teaching of yoga. 

and it truly seems that way, that my most profound moments of loss and sorrow turn me ever inwards, a new depth of care and compassion is found and my mind becomes a bit more steady in its resolve to guide me towards a deeper sense of healing. Yoga offers me the wisdom that nothing is escaped, I must face my sorrows head on with the certain faith that life itself will heal me. My role is only to continue onward, embracing each moment as it's offered, trusting my own innate ability to carry on. It's life that's my teacher, my true guru, urging me to surrender in a gentle fashion, not struggling against its currents but learning to navigate through the always changing motion.

now, the teaching of yoga...

these words whispering through me, a mantra, 

and with every moment

a new lesson. 


Peace, Eric 

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