Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Far End

The far end: 

at the far end of meditation and inquiry I find the absence of any lasting sense of self, no one present in need of improvement, nothing solid to hang my name too - there is no better version of myself here, only the confluence of thoughts, sensations, a physical sense of the vibrancy of life, and an aware observation that somehow notes this all as presence. 

of course this is present now, not just found at the far end of meditation, nor is it only discovered as a result of self-inquiry. It doesn't take practice to know this, not really, but both methods help to settle the mind to see this more clearly, a journey to the immediacy of right now. 

a process that takes no time at all. 

for me, I enjoy this sense of unfolding and release, how every observation of an identity easily falls away, being nothing more than appearances within an infinite field of energy that's willing to lend itself to the sake of form. Meditation and inquiry bring me here, and with a smile, I find there was no journey at all, but simply a tour of mind-stuff and a sense of letting go. 

at the far end....

only presence all along.

exactly where I am. 


Peace, Eric 

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