Sunday, July 30, 2023

A Conversation

A conversation: 

I've started a conversation, sort of, what I've actually done is started talking to my camera, live session on a YouTube channel and now on Instagram, social media, and mostly unfamiliar territory for me. I'm enjoying it, finding it a free flowing experience, an extended riff that might eventually reach a point, but maybe not, usually it doesn't, and that's fine, it doesn't seem to matter. 

it's a conversation. 

an art form, really.

mainly, I'm having fun, expressing myself, in dialog with those who leave a comment, which so often sends me in a completely new direction. If this is an art form, it's expressionism, an emotional flow of whatever thoughts presently stir my mind as well as soul. Perhaps it's therapy too, and exactly what I've long needed, a conversation with the world in hope that we reach a proper understanding. Or at least come to friendlier terms with each other. 

what I talk about is meditation, yoga, fitness fairly often. Yet it always comes back to a main point of simply being kind, offering our best selves to the world, authentically, free of any concerns over judgement of who we are. That't why I put myself in front of the camera, going live and presenting my awkwardness, stumbling over words, being at once shy and verbacious. It's who I am, and it's mostly been hidden for a lifetime. 

but I'm ready for a conversation. 

so what I hope to do is be fearless in my presentation, open, free - authentic. And that means clearly stating that I have no answers, none of us really do right now, but perhaps together, in conversation, a few of us might come to ask the right questions. 

and have some fun along the way. 

Peace, Eric 

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