Monday, July 3, 2023



they've come to be a constant and now most favored companions on my sunrise walks, even if only by sound alone on some occasions -  I am always offered a song no matter the conditions of the morning. Songbirds are consistent, having a musical note that must be played, an expression of their soul that's issued forth to meet the air. 

they provide a soundtrack to my earliest mornings. 

and not just as I'm walking, my meditation practice, pre-dawn, is deepened by their songs. Scientist call this the dawn chorus, a 4:00 a.m ritual that matches perfectly my time of sitting, their songs seemingly synchronized to be a mantra played in harmony with my own, leading me deeper still to a silence found between each note. After meditation, enjoying my coffee and waiting for words to stir my inspiration for my morning writing - their songs continue, joined now by later rising birds, dawn chorus grown to a symphony sound. 

they never fail in song or inspiration.

I have favorites, by site and by song, but never for very long, their music and the beauty of their appearance fill me with too much joy to favor one above another for very long. It's better said that my favorite is the one who's song I'm hearing now, or for some reason plays with great significance in the moment that it's heard. Songbirds seem to have an uncanny ability to match my mood, being intuitive in song, offering just the perfect note to cause a sense of deep reflection, allowing me to bear witness to my own interior soundtrack of thoughts playing through my mind, as if offering an inquiry as to who it is that's truly listening to their song. 

and silence almost always follows. 

but mostly there's joy, it's that songbirds appear and give notes to the air without concern for mood or conditions, committed fully to their songs, artist simply by virtue of their nature. Songbirds show up with the courage of their authentic voice, their true song, and give if away freely, unconcerned of audience or if there's even anyone present to hear. 

it's always just about the song. 


Peace, Eric 

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