Friday, July 21, 2023

Not So Easily Defined

Not so easily defined: 

sometimes I'm asked what I write of, a question of category and theme, and it seems a fair question. Most writers have a particular genre they find success with, their talent and interest falling neatly into a specific classification even as they might bring a unique voice here. There are many talented authors who are able to cross those lines with ease and are not so easily defined by style or genre. 


I have only this moment to write of, it's either a burst of sudden inspiration or no words at all - and in a sense this give me the ultimate freedom to expressive myself uniquely, allowing my authentic voice to find me, being  that I'm less in involved with my own satisfaction and rely solely on whatever words appear.  

not so easily defined. 

so I could right say that I write from presence, a genre of silence, emptiness, and that words bring their own sense of meaning to the page. My role is mostly to arrange their order, often active only after a long stretch of listening to the quiet voice of inspiration. I am not an author with intent, whatever story I tell is given in the moment and then I'm free to move on to whatever next appears. Perhaps this is based on inclination over talent, maybe no small degree of laziness, but I found it words for me, that I'm able to write daily in my own expressive manner, no restraints. 

Not so easily defined. 


Peace, Eric 

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