Thursday, July 13, 2023

Of Sunrise Walks

Of Sunrise walks: 

several months ago, right at that edge of early spring and last reach of winter's still frigid mornings - I began a ritual of sunrise walks, getting first light to touch my eyes and cause the hormonal response of circulating cortisol, epinephrine, and dopamine, a chain reaction to produce greater energy in the morning and then a slow shift to the production of serotonin and melatonin as the day progresses, the circadian rhythm in natural order of early waking, being energetic through the day, and then on to a long, restorative slumber lasting throughout the night.  And it works, I'm alert, creative and productive through the day and by night fall I find that I am ready for bed with less need for a long unwind before sleep arrives. 

of sunrise walks...

and the magic of first light.

 my life is restored to its natural order. 

more so, I find myself spiritually renewed each morning, immersed in early light and nature,  my body committed to motion by brisk pace, and I feel like I belong to this part of the day, as fully as every creature spotted along the way. I am not a mere observer here, but more truly a participant, stalking the lengthening sunlight, basking in all that's touched within its reach.

through these early morning walks...I am most at home.



Peace, Eric 

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