Sunday, July 16, 2023



deeper than patchwork, it's really how we view the world before the mind instantly divides it all in stories of separate objects that somehow seem to fit together for a time. Reality is far too seamless for this to be so, and we see this with first glance of anything, like how a tree is simply an extension of earth, branches touched within their infinite reach of sky, not in pieces, but more truly witnessed as an event that flows in continuous scenes of awe 

we see this...

yet deeper still, 

we belong. 

an extension of earth, and sky, and the tree as well.

seamlessly so. 

 reality is deeper than patchwork really, no items are sewn to another in in completion, nor is there a finished creation that ties separate stories together as a whole. It's already once thing, that's the premise, and the world flows from this point on in infinite wonder. Again, our own eyes show us the seamless blend of reality, we don't see a patchwork of objects that only make sense when we reviewed in order, we see it all, immediately, including our true place amidst the scenery, and only later do we have cause to divide it as the story of the world. 

first we see...and it's the immediacy of our experience, intimately so.

and in the briefest instant after seeing - the mind creates a patchwork of design, what's believed to be an easier way to navigate the world. An illusory order of this seamless whole. Reality is the immediacy of seeing, and deeper still, we are the very fabric of this scenery, somehow found as witness to this unfolding design of curiosity and self wonder. 

we are deeper than patchwork, more seamless...



Peace, Eric 

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