Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation: 

this mantra meditation isn't based on concentration or mindfulness, they're just not needed here, or at least not with each repetition of a sound that's used entirely for the quality of its vibration, sinking me ever more deeply between thoughts to a natural silence found. Using any force in this manner would break the hold of the mantra's seduction, interrupting the easy work of sound and vibration, drawing me towards an ever greater effort of the mind. 

it would be the opposite of the grace of being...

which happens completely on its own.

mantra meditation relies on vibrations, a sound that occupies the mind and allows me to fall effortlessly between whatever thoughts might flutter by, not demanding an empty slate, but simply recognizing the clear sky nature of reality, that everything's able to pass through unhindered by a lasting hold. What mantra meditation offers is a moment in the gap, and once glimpsed I find it easier to fall within that timeless point of being, carried there by the mantra's vibration. 

with little effort needed. 

this isn't about awakening, nor preparing myself to enter a higher state of consciousness. Those things too might happen entirely on their own. What I'm doing here, mantra meditation, is relaxing in the grace of what I most truly am - the easiness of being myself, an aspect of the world at large, clear and open by my very nature. There's nothing to concentrate on, no point of contemplation, I'm already mindful by virtue of the grace that's found. 


with this it's seen, clearly so, that there's never been any effort of my own, everything has always happened on its own. My heart beats through some divine will of the nervous system, each organ functioning on the higher power of the body as a whole, thoughts occur without my conscious demand and just as quietly disappear. Even the particles of my existence have gathered through their own spontaneous agreement. None of this is from my effort, there's no requirement of concentration nor any force of action involved. Mantra meditation is my point of reference just before my every need of reference is instantly let go - being surrendered to the emptiness of pure awareness, this capacity that vibrates to the easy sound of my mantra, and yet still retains the highest quality of deep silence. 

the mantra,most truly, 

is the sound of simply being


Peace, Eric 

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