Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Purring Meditation

Purring meditation: 

of my two cats, my littlest one is the most consistent yogi, joining me on the mat most mornings and afternoon sessions, demonstrating near perfect form in every pose she chooses to do along side of me. She also spends considerable time in meditation, absorbed in the purring mantra of her breath, as awakened as any yogi ever - and without any struggle to  reach this realization. My larger cat is perhaps drawn more to Bhakti yoga, devoted to me most of the day, curled against my side in her own purring meditation. It seems we all have our own means of self -realization, one particular practice that will best suits our present need and understanding. 

or the most natural method as shown by both my cats.

it's the art of simply being. 

a purring meditation. 

Misty, my visiting dog, is a natural bodhisattva, easily enlightened and here only to show and teach compassion to others along the way. I commented to my ex-wife just yesterday that Misty looks exactly as she is, a dog filled with happiness, joy, and unconditional love, a welcoming presence to every other dog and person to cross her path while walking and everyone seems drawn to her. What Misty teaches is the immediacy of forgiveness, that any lapse of attention or judgement on my part is easily forgiven in the very same instant that it occurs, a smile and wag of tail showing me that all is well. 

clearly her path is one of love. 

so I'm surrounded by yogis, blessed with teachers that show me different ways to be enlightened. My own path is shown in their devotion, that I am worthy of love by virtue of my presence, and that my actions of caring for others, shown through dog treats, and joining cats in purring meditation - it's all part of my natural expression, easily revealed, no different than a purr or wag of tail. 

not in essence at least.

it's all love. 


Peace, Eric 


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