Friday, November 19, 2021

True Generosity

True generosity:

it's true generosity, life, and through all it offers there is only the giving of just one thing, that everything received is designed for the benefit of our continuation as aspects of its reach. What we are is the result of this endless display of giving, a perfect harmony of breath to air, heartbeat in rhythm to vital functions of the body, the very atmosphere that surrounds us is an embrace of infinite care. It all has the self-interest of singular well-being, and we are matched to this, equal in the true generosity of our nature. As life, we are in cooperation with the whole affair, an aspect too in vital function to the larger body of the world. 

through this we are generous to a fault, a pure design of harmonious giving, and it's all to the point of being seamless, that each breath is immediately returned to air, nourishing life in its further expression of plants and trees, and to this we benefit by the very next breath taken. What a beautiful display of intimacy, belonging to such a perfect order of kindness and care, this true generosity of simply being alive. We are blessed beyond any means of measure.

and all this without conscious effort of our own, our essential nature in free rein of generosity, no attention drawn to its display. We are built for kindness, energy in essence, an attraction of particles drawn together through unimaginable emptiness, so vast that the odds of our existence are without compare. Yet here we are, a somehow possibility of life, and we are meant to be continuous in our giving. To consider this generosity is to be in contact with reality, remembering ourselves as essence, kindness to the very core of our existence. 

it's simply what we are.


Peace, Eric 

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