Wednesday, November 24, 2021

From Here

from here, wherever this might be, and whatever label given to the void - this is an emptiness that seems to travel well, always available to notice, accessible by it's very nature. Pointing to it directly and I disappear in a trade of form for the seamless embrace which holds the world, my presence immediately, and more truly seen, as capacity, infinite by design. What starts as inquiry, simply pointing towards the source from where the view unfolds, an honest seeking to see what's there, and reality is instantly exposed by the innocence of looking, my prominence removed and grace revealed within the same moment - I am nothing, headless, and yet so much more than I ever could imagine.

at once...


and all that it becomes.

yet everything remains ordinary, that I've always lived in wonder and have simply, easily, awakened to this present awe.  From here, everything belongs, whatever's seen is seamless to the view, sounds emerge from their silent hold, gifted to my ears. Thoughts, every sensation, appear through the energy of their motion, fleeting, insubstantial, leaving nothing in their wake but room for next appearance. Yes, I've always been headless, spacious, allowing, and all somehow without notice. Awakening to this, it's only a matter of attention, a slight turning of the view back towards its source, or listening to the first note of a morning songbird, how seamlessly and pure the sound comes to the ears, and just as soon slips back to a silent pause, giving room for another note to play. 

from here, no description is necessary, words appear, poetry, and yet nothing is ever true in telling - it's all another gift, imagination, and not meant to capture anything more than the moment of its inspiration. My words only serve my own notice, that somehow they appear, thought-forms, without any meaning until gathered to the page. It's all magic really, nothing, emptiness, and that every detail of the world, galaxies, the universe through its further reach - simply appear, and my own appearance too. 

From here, it's seen that I belong to this, somehow, and without explanation. 

I am.


Peace, Eric 

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