Friday, November 12, 2021

Just As

Just as:

just as rain falls, belonging seamlessly to the emptiness of air, received by earth in the fullness of its welcome, and infinite drops in formation of a rainstorm - we too are an event, acting through individual cohesion, yet always falling through our own spacious nature, received as well in seamless fashion. Just as rain falls. 

rainfall, a single word for countless drops at once, descriptive of action, a noun in common usage - and with every drop essential to formation. I hear rainfall now, an autumn rain that wakes me well before dawn, urging me to listen. Each drop is a contribution of sound, a note against roof, window,earth, such a symphony playing at this moment, with everything indispensable to its creation, and listening, listening, there's silence too, and I hear it all, rainfall, so much within a single word. 

it occurs to me my own essential role, this listening, gently waked for my participation. 

there is so much to this belonging, rainfall, and just as countless drops are described by one word - I find myself now as rainfall too, infinite things at once and all falling through an emptiness that holds me so intimately near, that I wake to my own disappearance, knowing that I've always been infinite things at once dreaming of a single fall. 

just as rainfall.




Peace, Eric 


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