Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Accepting Loss

Accepting loss: 

accepting loss - and with this, I am grateful for presence, that I am able to acknowledge this spacious nature that holds the world so dear, intimately, and at once is willing to surrender it all within the very same instant. To accept loss is to recognize life through the fluid reach of its appearance, everything being a shifting expression that isn't meant to last beyond the moment it's observed. With this insight it's seen that loss is constant, happening now, and now, and infinitely onward. I have already lost everything perceived mine, slipped on to emptiness, and yet it seems my world is full again, somehow life in balance through this presence, somehow perfect too...

yes, perfect, although it's a difficult word to use now, feeling keen the loss of my father, life seems hardly perfect. But it is so, and even through my sorrow I can't deny that this was simply our time of letting go, life in conclusion of this appearance and the embrace of new expressions. There is pain involved, grief, and I mourn this loss deeply. Yet, I also trust that through this process life is reborn, redistributed through it's very essence. 


and on it goes, life, rising in appearance, shifting, and once more returned to source - eternal in the sense of our recreation, becoming something other through a new arrangement of particles, atoms, molecules once more in unique expression. Accepting loss through the eyes of an artist, canvas once again empty, ready, willing itself to be filled by life in all its beauty. I accept the loss of my father, of losing so much through these hard, recent years. And I see too this rearrangement, how this moment now holds the energy of loss to its advantage, a void seamlessly filled through its very own essence. My sorrow is part of this too, belonging to loss, a free expression of the whole. It's presence that handles every detail, balancing, opening to a brand new view that even now is ready to be let go. 

and on it goes...


Peace, Eric 

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