Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Perfect Design

Perfect design:

an oyster and its shell are not two separate things, the shell itself is an organic structure of intent, made from the very molecules of its existence. Oysters have a body part called a mantel that serves to create its shell, pulling minerals from the water to nourish this achievement. The shell isn't just a protective home, but an extension of its oyster-self, made in cooperation from its environment, just the right minerals found, particular molecules belonging to the mollusks to serve in this creative task. It's the perfect design, a singular expression of its oyster-self, and yet in no way removed from the waters of its creation. To see an oyster is to witness the genius of the ocean, nature in cooperation, a universe in perfect design without need of ultimate designer. 


and we are not so different from an oyster, a product too of ultimate design, perfect in our own expression. We are an environment of infinite source, dependent on air cleansed by trees, oceans kept in order by our oyster friends and other life forms, and these favors are returned by breath and the functions of our bodies that allow for us to breathe. We are as oysters with a larger shell, creating our home with every inhalation and release, not protected from the world but belonging in full cooperation.  

we are perfect in design.

to realize this, no, more truly so, to remember this, is our return home, to reenter the garden of intent and relax as original nature. We don't have to strive to belong to the world, we're in no way separate from the environment which hold us even now. We're here, home, and essential to the structure of the world. The very particles of our existences will outlast our particular form and lend themselves to new designs, a continuation of infinite becoming, reorganizing, and becoming once again. 

we are endless in creation. 

our perfect design is only of this moment, fragile, self-created by breath and heartbeat as surely as an oyster's shell. Remembering this, grateful for such precise conditions for us to be alive, curious as to our connection with every aspect of creation - we find ourselves again within the garden, our true and only home, here, now. 


Peace, Eric 

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